Sunday, July 3, 2016

Sexual Soul Ties:Why You Think You're with You're Soul Mate/ Twin Flame

Although we live in a time of sexual revolution and “freedom”, this does not negate the power and purpose of sexual energy! Sexual energy is a creative energy that can be used not only for the purpose of procreation, and improved health conditions, the energy behind the act of sex is trans mutative, meaning the use of the thought power along with the sexual energy, has the ability to switch thoughts of a physical nature to thoughts of any other nature. This energy can allow one to achieve great genius and success!

When sexual energy is not harnessed for the purpose of procreation or transmutation, this energy run the risk of transforming into a soul tie or soul bond!

Although Soul ties or bonds have a strong negative religious connotation, they do have great negative affects and consequences. For the sake if keeping things simple in this article, a soul tie is simply a merging of radiant sexual energy binding a person to another. These binds are usually the ether cords that holds martial energy, but they are not limited to marriage.

Within these etheric cords are the radiant energy and information of the soul. The soul intentions of being, the soul's karma and soul's strength. This can not only cause confusion, upset for those involved, soul ties or bond carry karmic consequences as well!

I heard an analogy once about the dynamics and power of soul ties that sums them up complete; Imagine two pieces of cardboard. Now let's say each side of each piece has glue on them. Then take the two pieces and place them on top of each other and wait about 20 minutes to an hour, then pull them apart. Now when you pull these two pieces of cardboard apart, it will clearly show that they do not separate easily. You will see that on each piece of the cardboard, there are fragments of the of the other.

Now, with the understanding that we are not dealing with something as tangible and solid s a cardboard box, but the dynamics of spiritual energy. We can replace the fragmented and frayed pieces of cardboard, with the ethic cords of the other person, which includes a person's karma, intentions, strengths and weaknesses.

Now, in the case of identifying whether or not someone is actually your soul mate or twin flames, this can create mass confusion, conflict and disappointment!

I have worked with hundreds of clients over many years who seek my help in understanding the dynamics of their connect, and I have found that a great majority of these clients that have been sexually involved with someone they feel strongly attached to have the most difficult time knowing whether that person is indeed their soul mate or twin flame, especially when that person pulls away completely, or comes in and out of their lives. Why is this so difficult, you may ask? I will explain here.

As explained. The sexual energy, just like all energy holds information. Each individual has a person for being, karma, personality deficiencies and strengths. Once yo merge that energy with someone else in the case of sex, not only are you holing your own energy, you are literally carrying another. Now if you are a sensitive person, carrying someone Else's energy can overload and disrupt their entire internal circuitry! Yeah, it's that's profound!

Also, in the case of someone who is really wanting a relationship. Wanting to love and beloved by someone, it's especially heartbreaking and confusing when they have “given themselves” to someone and nothing transpires from the act but continued confusion.

What's happening is, you may as well be picking up on aspects of a person that does want a lasting and loving relationship, but you may also be picking up on the fact that they have internal fears of abandonment and commitment that can be triggering their disappearing act.

In the case of the one who keeps coming back and forth or who suffer from the feelings of intense loneliness without that person being with them. You have to keep in mind that not only are you carrying their energy, they are carrying yours as well. So the both of you become a sort of “energy hub” holding the familiar energy dynamic of the both of you.

Within this hub of energy, there is a pulsation of sorts, movement, an information energetic highway flowing through you and the other. And each time the both of you have a sexual encounter, the energy builds and the hub expands.

This hub is similar to the connection “hub” that soul mates and twin flames are surrounded by. I mean, within these hubs telepathic messages can also be transmitted, making it seem that it is a sign and symptom that you are indeed with your soul mate or twin flame.

In truth, the only way to know whether or not you have a soul connection with the other is to measure whether the connection is life affirming and positive or whether you feel used and energetically drained by it. My advice to others of course not to have sexual exchange with anyone unless you are prepared for the energetically and emotional consequences. If you find yourself continuously drawn to the energetically draining pull, this karmic indicator is trying to get you to take a deeper look at who you are and WHY you respond as you do to anything or anybody giving you less than you deserve!

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