Monday, July 11, 2016


The Law of Free Will operates in 3 ways: 1. Free Will to avoid pre-determinism, 2. Master Life Awareness, 3. Positive Choices. Although certain events in your life are pre-determined either Astrologically or due to Karma, you always have the Free-Will to choose how you will respond to any situation. You can minimize the disharmonious effects of negative karma by responding with Positivity, Love, Grace, and Mercy. As you obtain and develop conscious awareness and detachment, you will be far less effected by negativity worldly events. You can enjoy all the good that life has to offer, and through detachment, you can allow any negativity to flow through you without effecting you. You always have Free Will in how you respond to any situation. If you respond to a negative karmic situation positive emotions, compassion and integrity, then you've probably learned your karmic lessons and will not have to experience a similar situation in the future.

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