
"Keesha Michelle Washington is the perfect conduit for wisdom, clarity and candor. She will help you to fall in love with YOU. Her supreme intuitive gifts and her amazing empathic abilities tapped into the truth of my situation, helping me to see clearly and take the leap of faith I so desperately needed to take. There is no better guide on the path to authenticity and living out your unique soul's purpose. Have a great day! Love you!" Kristina 

I worked with Keesha twice while on my journey to spiritual growth. On both occasions, she was really easy to talk to and very comforting.  She is also funny which is an added bonus.  The first time was due to dealing with a karmic relationship that was a hot mess. I did not receive closure on this situation so it left me very depressed and confused. Keesha was able to give me clarity on my situation. She was pretty spot on in terms of being able to read my energy and the energy of the person I was talking about. At the end of the session, I was relieved this mental stress.  The second occasion was due to figuring out my spiritual calling in life. At the time, I was going against the grain in life. As a college student, I studied Finance which for the promise of making good money. The topic didn’t come natural to me because I was involved for the wrong reason. I wasn’t following my heart desires. During the session, Keesha helped talk me through what my actual heart desires are. From there I was able to develop a path towards going with my spiritual calling, which is owning my own cleaning business. Two weeks after my session, I opened up my business." Sierra
"I have had the privilege to work with Keesha both personally and professional and have watched her work with people from various backgrounds with ease and grace. Keesha is a natural born intuitive. She is a non-judgmental guide, offering insight as you find your own way via your own path. Keesha believes in co-creating with the universe, and the application of universal principles to reach your fullest potential. She is authentic and kind while being direct in her feedback. I cannot recommend her enough". Susan Krasnickin-Nappi

There just isn't a way to describe how thankful I am for Keesha Michelle Washington and her gifts.  "I've been working with her for almost two years and the constant level of excellence exhibited in her spiritual guidance, integrity, professionalism, and respect for this process has literally changed my life. I was a very reactionary person in so many areas before working with Keesha. Instead of coddling me and playing to what I wanted to hear, KMW (as I call her) lovingly gave it to me straight with no chaser and helped me to see my true power. For the first time in my adult life, I'm connecting with my truest self and loving all that entails. She has helped me to see and understand myself and the world in such a beautiful way and I now understand so much more about my soulmate, our separate paths, and our journey together. In short, I was a serious mess before working with Keesha and she knew it instantly.  She honed in on the "real" issues in each session, encouraged the necessary work, and has even told me what I was looking to discuss before I could even say a word. I look forward to continued growth and spiritual development thanks to her ability to not only ascertain where I am energetically and to direct me from that point, but to also teach me to do the same for myself! She has gone from helping me with my soulmate/relationship questions to becoming my life coach and has played a huge part in my success. Keesha opened the door to the happiness that I always knew I wanted, but was afraid to seek and claim. Thank you for teaching me that life is supposed to be good and so much more, KMW!  You rock!" April W. 

 "I'm a client of keesha and i must say when it comes to filling in the blanks and making the connections keesha is the one you want to see. I got much clarity from working with keesha into matters of the heart/relationships especially soul mates. Its a great help to know that there is someone who can help explain things that appear outside of normal thinking. Keesha does excellent work and is very very good at what she does." Nanya El Anomaly Health & Wellness Practice INC

"There aren't any words strong enough to show my appreciation for Keesha or the blessing she has been to me. She helped to guide me out of a really dark place in my life that I didn't even know I was in. I've been working with Keesha for over 5 years and no matter the issue I'm having at the time, her gift allows her to go directly to the root of the issue (things that never would've occurred to me) and offer me the tools that I need for a solution.  But despite all the other things that are so wonderful about her she always reminds me to love and trust myself. One thing that I love the most about her is that she always reminds me to love myself. To trust myself. Something that's so important that so often gets over looked. I see her as a spiritual teacher,  life coach and friend all in one. I really don't know where I would be had I never been guided to her but I know where I am now because I was. love her to pieces!"   Ebony

"Just wanted to tell you - that by you and I working together, I have come so far in such a short amount of time.  The situation I am in (him and I) isn't going away but I have handled it in a much more self-empowered way.  I see it shifting everything, and I look at it with new eyes.  It has helped me immensely!  I can't thank you enough for your input and feedback. April P.

" I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for today's conference. It was very enlightening, the information gathered will change the course of my life... and that is so profound to me." ~J.S. 

"Keesha is a divine gift from the Source Creator to assist those of us that have awakened unto the authentic self. She was able to provide me with clarity and guidance about myself regarding to a very challenging relationship I was experiencing with a male counterpart. It's all about establishing unconditional love of self. The connection between myself and this man taught me so much about what I lacked within myself in very difficult lessons about self love, worth and respect. Keesha explained to me what I was feeling as I couldn't decipher it on my own...the connection of soul relationships. The universe is bringing forth this energy more than ever and Keesha is spot on point about what direction one should move forward in. I highly recommend to anyone that is faced with this energy to consult with this beautiful light worker. Namaste." Patricia

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