Thursday, August 18, 2016


You have within you a guiding principle, which is your duty to yourself and society. Karma has directed your past lives and your present life experience, always urging you to forge ahead into activities and learning experiences to form he character required to fulfill your destiny (Dharma). Of course, you also have the Free Will to not fulfill your Dharma. But the secret is to listen to your inner direction which will direct you to fulfill your Dharma and resolve your karma. Your Dharmic direction is natural for you and probably falls within one of seven directions: 1. the work force and genial occupation careers which includes homemakers. 2. military and law enforcement. 3. service and religious work, medical and social welfare and metaphysics. 4 creative fields which include artists, writers, poets, musicians, actors and entertainers. 5. science, which includes researchers and technologists, physicists. 6. Philosophy, which presents theories as to why man does what he does. 7. government, including political leaders and elected offices.

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