Sunday, April 17, 2016

The TRUTH will always reveals it's self

As an empath I can literally feel my clients heartbreak when I read the energy dynamics between them and the male or female they believe  and is their "soulmate" or "twin flame". I truthful explain to them that the person that they have been pining for for months and even years are NOT their "soulmate" or "twin flame" but actually a catalyst for their spiritual development!
First there is a  a large gulp in their throat chakra area almost preventing them from wailing out like a disappointed infant. Then slowly I feel their heart chakra deflate like a balloon releasing air. Then there is a small burning feeling rising up their spine coming from their root chakra. And depending on how tightly their belief is held within them will determine  if my client will allow their crown chakra to  open or shutt down to  receive the remainder of the reading.

Leon Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance focuses on how humans strive for internal consistency. An individual who experiences inconsistency (dissonance) tends to become psychologically uncomfortable, and is motivated to try to reduce this dissonance—as well as actively avoid situations and information likely to increase it.[1] 

Although my clients have been enduring the worst kind of hell- neglect, disrespect, physical abuse, deceit and lies etc.,  from what they believe is this their "beloved"  they  not only have the truth that they are NOT  with in a soulmate or twin flame, they also have the visceral experience as well. Most clients would rather argue with me instead of hearing WHY that particular person is in there and how to rise out of their current misery. 
My clients are intelligent and creative people yet there they are experiencing the bitter truth breaking down all their preconceived beliefs.

 How is it that the great majority of my clients  hold strong to their beliefs in the face of a mountain of evidence that tells them otherwise? Easy They  are experiencing " love deficiencies". A person that is experiencing Love Deficiency are starving for a spiritual union with some. Although they see and experience the inconsistency of words and actions from their "beloved", they ignore them holding out the hope that things will change, they dont want to see the truth for what it is. They absolutely will not open their mind and spirit  that what they are REALLY experiencing! 

Relationships are the incubator for spiritual growth, all relationships, but  especially those of the romantic nature. It seems that these type of connects are the ones that our Higher Selves use to get our attention for us to pay attention to many inner wounds that prevents us from truly living a life free from re-experiencing our early childhood and adolescent hurts, abandonment and confusion.

To a Love Deficient person who has most likely never experienced examples of healthy and happy love relationship. they may not understand healthy boundaries, communications and respect either. So when someone who captures their heart in ways they have never felt, they want to posses that person and when that person leaves their experience or will not commit to stay in their experience, instead of letting go and move on with their lives, they find that they have a hard time doing so.So by the time they have a session or two with me they feel angry and duped  by the universe for not giving them a chance  FINALLY get the love they feel they DESERVE!

 Those who are experiencing love deficiency will ALWAYS look for someone else to try to fill up the hole in their hearts. They have great difficulty being by themselves and without being in a romantic relationship. They look for their partner to do the impossible and they are constantly frustrated by their romances because they have no yet learned to turn inward  for the truest love they will ever receive!  These are the things I want yo to ask yourself: What behavior I am allowing my "beloved" to get away with that I KNOW is against what I believe is not loving, attentive and kind? What red flags that I ignored and simply called it something else? What do I believe I will gain from allowing myself to be abused, ignored or abandoned? And MOST IMPORTANTLY, what past experiences of this pain, longing and abandonment remind of my current situation? If you take an open and honest inventor of both yor past and current situation you will begin to start seeing the dynamics that are in place to support you in healing your lack of self love and pat pains.
If you are having a difficult time identifying these thing on your own, please feel free to contact me for a session or two. Many Blessings, Keesha

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